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  1. 新鮮水果
  2. 龍島純黑朱古力巴 50g
  3. 波特小姐草莓牛奶糖
  4. Jules Destrooper餅
  5. 意大利紅酒1支(2011 Allegrini Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG, Veneto,Italy)
  6. GODIVA 片裝72%黑巧克力禮盒16片裝
  7. Amedei 朱古力 & 白朱古力 & 果仁朱古力
  8. 半島酒店迷你奶黃月餅



- 此禮品附送 賀卡牌(插置於禮品上) 或 LTP GIFT 個人心意卡(放在信封内)
- 圖中水果款式為時令款式,有可能會轉成其他同樣價值之水果



Fruit Basket has 11 types of fresh fruits, about 12-14 pcs.

  1. Fresh Fruits
  2. Lucullus Dark Chocolate Bar 50g 
  3. The World of Beatrix Potter Strawberry
  4. Jules Destrooper Buscuits
  5. Italy DOCG Red Wine (2011 Allegrini Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG, Veneto, Italy)
  6. GODIVA Chocolate Carre Collection Dark 72% 16Pcs
  7. Amedei Chocolate & Milk & Nuts chocolate
  8. Hotel Peninsula Mid-Autumn Egg Custard Mooncakes Gift Box


Additional Imformation 

- This gift comes with a message card board (Place on top ) OR  LTP GIFT  message card (in an envelop)

-Due to seasonality, some fruits might be replaced with other types of fruits


  • 客人下單後,需在購物車內按下備註,填寫以下資料:

    * 訂貨人姓名
    * 訂貨人聯絡電話
    * 收貨人名字
    * 收貨人地址

    - 收貨人電話
    - 祝福語


    Once you placed your order, please fill in the following information at the shopping cart Memo area.
    (*) Mandatory 
    * Orderer's Name

    * Orderer's contact number
    * Receiver's name
    * Receiver's address

    - Receiver's contact number

    - Greeting messages

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