聖誕佳節期間(12月7日 至 12月31日)將不設即日單及指定時間送貨服務,所有訂單將於 9am-6pm送出。
英國Mrs Bridges果醬
ISENS 楓糖班戟粉
加拿大My Cup of Tea有機楓樹糖漿
英國Taylors of Harrogate早餐茶葉
英國Forest Feast土耳其精選杏脯乾
意大利汽酒 Ca' Di Rajo Epsilon Pink Gold Rose Spumante,Veneto,Italy 750ml
高級滕籃All the orders will be delivered at 9am-6pm during the Christmas (7 Dec -31 Dec).
Monbana Chocolate Powder, France
Mrs Bridges Fruit Preserve, England
ISENS Pure Maple Pancakes Shaker
My Cup of Tea Maple Syrup - Original, Canada
Taylors of Harrogate English Breakfast Tea, England
Forest Feast Dried Malatya Apricots , United Kingdom
Ca' Di Rajo Epsilon Pink Gold Rose Spumante,Veneto,Italy 750ml
Christmas Decoration
Rattan gift basket
聖誕早午餐禮籃 LCH2042