豐水梨 x1
火龍果 x1
楊桃 x1
王林蘋果 x1
天桃 x1
布冧 x1
英國鬆餅傳統精選禮盒 x1
比利時 Hamlet 領結朱古力 125克 x1
Lanson Champagne Black Label Brut NV, France, Champagne, 375ml x1
The Hamper includes:
Hosui Pear x1Dragon Fruit x1
Carambola x1
Ourin Apple x1
Bell Fruit x1
Plum x1
Border Scottish Biscuit Selection x1
Hamlet 'Excellent' Belgian Chocolate, Belgium 125g x1
Lanson Champagne Black Label Brut NV, France, Champagne, 375ml x1
Wooden Gift Box
Due to product availability, items might be replaced with other items with the same value/style.
財運亨通新年禮籃 CNY061