Rose Label Lanso 350ml
Mackie’s 海鹽薯片x1
Beerenberg 手工果醬 x1
Cartwright & Butler三角茶包 / 咖啡粉 x1
Whittard of Chelsea 1886原荼葉罐裝 x1
Stoppato意大利飯/ 麵x1
Krisca The Nuts Specialist 果仁 /乾果x1
Artisan Honey 北歐野生蜂蜜 x1
Seed and Bean 有機黑朱古力 / 牛奶朱古力x1
LTPGIFT 特色人造皮提籃
此禮品附送 賀卡牌(插置於禮品上) 或 LTP GIFT 個人心意卡(放在信封内)
Business Hamper
Rose Label Lanson 750ml x1
Mackie's of Scotland Crisps x1
Beerenberg Handmade Jam x1
Cartwright & Butler Tea / Coffee x1
Whittard of Chelsea 1886 Loose Tea Caddy x1
Stoppato Ready risotto / Gluten free pasta x1
Krisca The Nuts Specialist pecan kernels / Natural Dried Fruits x1
Artisan Honey with Honey x1
Seed and Bean Organic Dark Chocolate/ Milk Chocolate x1
LTP GIFT Delicate gift box
Additional Information
This hamper comes with a message card board (Place on top ) or LTP GIFT message card (in envelop)
Due to seasonality, some products have seasonal style varies
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- 祝福語Once you placed your order, please fill in the following information at the shopping cart Memo area.
(*) Mandatory
* Orderer's Name* Orderer's contact number
* Receiver's name
* Receiver's address- Receiver's contact number
- Greeting messages