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  1. 火龍果
  2. 水蜜桃
  3. 王林蘋果
  4. 富士蘋果
  5. 泰國金柚
  6. 韓國夕張蜜瓜
  7. LTPGIFT 特色人造皮提籃


  • 此禮品附送 賀卡牌(插置於禮品上) 或 LTP GIFT 個人心意卡(放在信封内)
  • 圖中水果款式為時令款式,有可能會轉成其他同樣價值之水果


This Fruit Basket has 6 types of fresh fruits,including about 8-10 pieces imported fruit

  1. Dragon Fruit
  2. Peach
  3. Ourin Apple
  4. Aomori Sun Fuji
  5. Thai Pomelo
  6. Korean Yubari Melon
  7. LTP GIFT Delicate gift box

Additional Information+

  • This hamper comes with a message card board (Place on top ) OR a LTP GIFT message card (in envelop)
  • Due to seasonality, some fruits might be replaced with other types of fruits


庫存單位: FH-07
  • 客人下單後,需在購物車內按下備註,填寫以下資料:

    * 訂貨人姓名
    * 訂貨人聯絡電話
    * 收貨人名字
    * 收貨人地址

    - 收貨人電話
    - 祝福語


    Once you placed your order, please fill in the following information at the shopping cart Memo area.
    (*) Mandatory 
    * Orderer's Name

    * Orderer's contact number
    * Receiver's name
    * Receiver's address

    - Receiver's contact number

    - Greeting messages

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