Monochrome 浴室系列
- 浴室套裝用品
乳液瓶 x1
漱口瓶 x2
香皂碟 x1
- ZARA HOME 香皂 x1
- 迷你香薰蠟燭連底坐 x1
- 全棉毛巾 x2
- 牙刷 x2
- 典雅印花布枱墊 x1
- LTPGIFT 特色木盒
此禮品附送 賀卡牌(插置於禮品上) 或 LTP GIFT 個人心意卡(放在信封内)
請留意產品内容有可能因供應問題更改, 產品會被相似並價錢相等的貨品代替。
Housewarming Hamper
Monochrome Bathroom Collection
- Bathroom Set
Lotion Container x1
Rinse Mug x2
Soap Dish x1
- Zara Home Soap x1
- Mini scented candle with standx1
- Classic Cotton Towel x2
- Toothbrush x2
- Table mattress x1
- LTP Gift Delicate Wooden box
Additional Information+
This hamper comes with a message card board (Place on top ) OR LTPGIFT message card (in envelop)
Subject to the availability of products, the items inside may vary. Unavailable items will be replaced by other similar products with the samevalue.
備註 Remarks:
* 訂貨人聯絡電話
* 收貨人名字
* 收貨人地址- 收貨人電話
- 祝福語Once you placed your order, please fill in the following information at the shopping cart remarks area.
(*) Mandatory
* Orderer's contact number
* Receiver's name
* Receiver's address- Receiver's contact number
- Greeting messages