- 乳液瓶 x1
- 漱口瓶 x2
- 香皂碟 x1
- 牙刷 x2
- 全棉毛巾 x1
- 全棉浴巾 x1
- LTPGIFT 特色包裝袋
請留意產品内容有可能因供應問題更改, 產品會被相似並價錢相等的貨品代替。
Fresh Towel Bathroom Collection
- Bathroom Set
Lotion Container x1
Rinse Mug x2
Soap Dish x1
- Brsh x2
- Classic Bath Towel x1
- Classic Cotton Towel x1
- LTP GIFT Delicate gift packing
Subject to the availability of products, the items inside may vary. Unavailable items will be replaced by other similar products with the same value.