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LOFTEX 美國高級品牌毛巾       x2
尺寸: 145cm x 75cm


需要提供名字, 繡名字顏色


請留意產品内容有可能因供應問題更改, 產品會被相似並價錢相等的貨品代替。


Towel Cake

LOFTEX US High Quality Towel x2

Size: 145cm x 75

Artificial Flower Decoration

Please provide Name and Name color 


Subject to the availability of products, the items inside may vary. Unavailable items will be replaced by other similar products with the same value. 


庫存單位: TC016
名字顏色 Name Color
祝賀語顔色 Greeting Message Color
  • 客人下單後,需在購物車內按下備註,填寫以下資料:

    * 訂貨人姓名
    * 訂貨人聯絡電話
    * 收貨人名字
    * 收貨人地址

    - 收貨人電話
    - 祝福語


    Once you placed your order, please fill in the following information at the shopping cart Memo area.
    (*) Mandatory 
    * Orderer's Name

    * Orderer's contact number
    * Receiver's name
    * Receiver's address

    - Receiver's contact number

    - Greeting messages

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